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  • Writer's pictureAustin Abraham

The First Trick

Wow you're back. I hope you can now ride and balance on a board like a pro. Now it's time for the next step. You will finally learn how to impress your friends. The frist trick that you need to learn is how to ollie. An ollie is basically just a jump of you and the board. It can be used in order to get over small obstacles or get up onto a higher platform. This trick is simple and with practice you can learn it in no time!

In order to start your journey of learning how to ollie, you need to learn how to pop your board. All this means is the ability to get the front of your board off of the ground. A good way to start trying to pop is in the grass. This is because you are more stable and the wheels are less likely to slip out from under you. Its simple, just push your back foot down to the ground while it is resting on the tail of the board. Even though this might seem silly, you need to keep repeating this over and over again until you feel that you are comfortable with your balance on your back foot.

The next step is easy don't worry. All you have to do is bring your front foot and slide it forward while you are in a position with your tail slammed downward toward the ground. Your front foot needs slide past the front bend of the board toward the nose in order to turn the front downward from its upright position. Just keep practicing sliding while you have your weight on your tail. Even though you are still stationary on the ground you will be training your muscles to keep that motion when you put 100% effort into the ollie.

Finally, you are on the last step. You have all of the motions down. All you have to do it commit 100% and try your best. This combo will get your force against the ground and the opposite force that the ground gives off will get you off the ground. Once you are off the ground the sliding will cause the board to level out and become parallel to the ground.

Many people have amazing tutorials explaining how to do the ollie in a video format. One of the best teachers that I have found is Braille Skateboarding. They not only give a vivid illustration in order to the viewer to understand what they are trying to show, but they also give demonstrations. Their video on how to ollie can be found here.

Learning the ollie is just the beginning of your skating career. You still of hundreds of tricks to learn and perfect. No one can do them all, but maybe you will be the first. Just remember to practice as much as you can and to always to commit because then you will succeed. The next tricks that we will learn are how to manual, turn, and how to start using a ramp.

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