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  • Writer's pictureAustin Abraham

What the Kickflip!

Oh my gosh! You are improving so much and you are on your way to becoming a pro skater. Now that you know how to ollie, manual, and turn; I want you to learn how to kickflip. This is a more advanced trick, but I know that you are fully capable of doing it. In writing it sounds easy and in person you might be changing your mind.

Let's start off with reviewing the basics because in order to kickflip you need to remember how to ollie. The first step of an ollie is the pop of the board. This is done by flicking your back foot down on the tail of the board causing the reaction to force the front of the board off of the ground. Next, you slide your front foot up the board until you hit the nose and the board levels out with the ground. Then, you land on the board on the ground staying balanced and not falling off.

Now, I can explain how to kickflip a lot easier. The first step of a kickflip is the same as an ollie. You pop the board by flicking your back foot down on the board. The next step is similar to an ollie, but a little different. Don't worry, it is not too difficult in theory. All you have to do is slide your front foot up the board but angle it to the upper right corner of the nose. This motion, with the perfect amount of force, will cause your board to flip. After that you have to time your landing on the board so that you land on it right when it is back to being level to the ground. If you miss you could land primo, which means the board is perpendicular to the ground and this is an extremely easy way to hurt yourself. So be careful practicing.

I also have a few tips for you as you are practicing your kickflips. My first tip is do not let the trick get to you. If you are not landing it after trying it for a while, just stop step away and take a break. If you let the trick get to your head you will give up and that is not what we want to happen. My next tip is practice in the grass until you feel confident because falling in the grass feels a lot better than a face full of concrete. My last tip is warm up too it. Start with easier tricks that you feel more confident with and then continue getting to harder and harder tricks. This will allow your muscles to remember the motions and you will be ready to land a kickflip.

The team over at Braille Skateboarding does a wonderful job of showing their viewer how to do a kickflip and I definitely think that you should check their videos out if you have any questions about skating at all. I have included the video so that you guys have easy access to the it and are able to watch it when you please.

Wow, I am so proud of yall. You guys are finally a skater. You can do the trick that thousands want to see and now you can impress all of your friends and family. I hope you enjoy skating and it is now part of your life just as it is part of my life. Have fun skating!

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